Module epispot.comps
The comps
module is a collection of compartments used to initialize
the Model
object to create a compartmental model. Each
of these compartments are not very useful on their own, but when strung
together in a Model
object, they can be quite powerful.
Expand source code
The `comps` module is a collection of compartments used to initialize
the `epispot.models.Model` object to create a compartmental model. Each
of these compartments are not very useful on their own, but when strung
together in a `epispot.models.Model` object, they can be quite powerful.
from . import np
__pdoc__ = {}
__pdoc__['Compartment._base_check'] = True
class Compartment:
This class represents a compartment, used in compartmental models.
The base compartmental model that all compartments can be used for is the `epispot.models.Model` class.
Additionally, this class can be used with `super().__init__()` to create a custom compartment.
def __init__(self, name, config=None):
Initialize the compartment; invoke with:
class CustomCompartment(Compartment):
def __init__():
super().__init__(name='Custom Compartment', config={})
## Parameters
`name (str)`: Name of the compartment (used in error messages)
`config (dict{'type':'Susceptible'|'Infected'|None})`*: Configuration dictionary for the compartment.
This allows epispot to identify special compartments.
Currently, it should look like the dictionary shown in the example section.
## Example
Example `config` dictionary:
valid_types = ['Susceptible', 'Infected', None]
config = {
'type': '', # should be one of `valid_types`
## Usage
Here is an example of the simplest compartment that can be implemented as a subclass:
class Container(Compartment):
def __init__(self):
def _check(self, minimap, compartments):
self._base_check([], minimap, compartments)
This creates a container compartment that can be used to hold portions of the population.
Since it does not connect to any other compartments (indicated by the empty array `[]` passed into the `epispot.comps.Compartment._base_check()` function),
it acts as a terminal state.
## Error Handling
See the `epispot.comps.Compartment._base_check()` function for more information.
## Additional Notes
*The `config` dictionary is likely to change in future releases.
.. versionadded:: v3.0.0-alpha-2
if config is None:
config = {} = name
self.config = config
def __repr__(self):
"""A string representation of the compartment."""
return f'<{} Compartment @ epispot.comps.Compartment>'
def _check_config(self):
"""Configuration dictionary checker"""
if 'type' not in self.config.keys():
self.config['type'] = None
def _base_check(self, valid_compartments, minimap, compartments):
A helper function to check model integrity.
Implement this in child classes through a `_check()` function.
## Parameters
`valid_compartments (list[epispot.comps.Compartment])`: A list of valid compartments that the model can connect to.
If any compartments not specified in this list are found, a `ValueError` will be raised
(see "Error Handling").
`minimap (list[int])`: A slice of the larger connections list given in the `map` parameter of `epispot.models.Model` specific to this compartment.
`compartments (list[epispot.comps.Compartment])`: A copy of the `compartments` parameter in `epispot.models.Model`; used to check against `valid_compartments`.
.. note::
These last two parameters (`minimap` and `compartments`) should also be parameters in the `_check()` function.
See the usage section of `epispot.comps.Compartment` for more information.
## Error Handling
### `ValueError`
If any extraneous compartments are found in the `compartments` list,
this method will automatically raise a `ValueError`.
## Returns
`True` if no errors have been raised.
for compartment_no in minimap:
compartment = compartments[compartment_no]
valid = False
for valid_compartment in valid_compartments:
if isinstance(compartment, valid_compartment):
valid = True
if not valid: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(f'Invalid compartment {compartment} '
f'found connected to compartment '
return True
def diff(time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix):
Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to
## Parameters
`time (float)`: Time to take the derivative at.
Similar to `time` parameter in `epispot.models.Model.diff`.
`system (list[float])`: A list containing the system of compartment values.
Should be of the same shape as the `starting_state` parameter of `epispot.models.Model.integrate`.
`pos (int)`: The index of the compartment in the `comps` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`.
`minimap (list[int])`: This compartment's connections.
Essentially, a slice of the larger `map` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`.
`minimatrix (list[tuple(float|func(t: float)->float, float|func(t: float)->float)])`: A slice of the `matrix` parameter of `epispot.models.Model` specific to this compartment.
## Returns
Derivative of the entire system calculated by the compartment (`list[float]`)
output = np.zeros(system.shape)
for connection in minimap:
# initialize parameters
probability = minimatrix[connection][0]
rate = minimatrix[connection][1]
# initialize time-dependent parameters
if callable(probability):
probability = probability(time)
if callable(rate):
rate = rate(time)
# evaluate compartment derivative
deriv = probability * rate * system[pos]
# ensure compartment populations are non-negative
min_connection_deriv = -system[connection]
max_pos_deriv = system[pos]
deriv = max(deriv, min_connection_deriv)
deriv = min(deriv, max_pos_deriv)
output[connection] += deriv
output[pos] -= deriv
return output
class Susceptible(Compartment):
The Susceptible class is the 'S' of the 'SIR' Model.
This is the portion of individuals who have not yet been exposed to the disease.
This class can be used as an initial state.
Because of this property, the Susceptible class is a special compartment and does not use the default parameter matrix.
## Structure
`epispot.comps.Recovered` → `epispot.comps.Susceptible` → `epispot.comps.Exposed`, `epispot.comps.Infected`
def __init__(self, r_0, gamma, n):
Initialize the Susceptible class:
## Parameters
`r_0 (float|func(t: float)->float)`: The
[basic reproduction number](,
indicating how infectious a given disease is.
A value of above 1 indicates a high probability of transmission and thus an increasing infected population.
A value of 1 indicates a constant infected population.
A value below 1 indicates a low probability of transmission and also a decreasing infected population.
`gamma (float|func(t: float)->float)`: The total recovery rate of patients.
This is **not** a measure of how long it takes patients in any given compartment to recover but rather the reciprocal of the average time (in days) of infectiousness.
`N (float|func(t: float)->float)`: The initial population size; should be the same as that passed into the `epispot.models.Model` class.
config = {
'type': 'Susceptible',
super().__init__('Susceptible', config=config)
self.r_0 = r_0
self.gamma = gamma
self.n = n
def _check(self, minimap, compartments):
"""Check wrapper for the Infected compartment"""
self._base_check([Exposed, Infected], minimap, compartments)
if len(minimap) != 1: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('The Susceptible compartment must have '
'exactly one connection to either the '
'Infected or Exposed compartment.')
def diff(self, time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix, infecteds=None):
Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to
## Parameters
`time (float)`: Time to take the derivative at.
Similar to `time` parameter in `epispot.models.Model.diff`.
`system (list[float])`: A list containing the system of compartment values.
Should be of the same shape as the `starting_state` parameter of `epispot.models.Model.integrate`.
`pos (int)`: The index of the compartment in the `comps` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`.
`minimap (list[int])`: This compartment's connections.
Essentially, a slice of the larger `map` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`.
`minimatrix (list[tuple(float|func(t: float)->float, float|func(t: float)->float)])`: A slice of the `matrix` parameter of `epispot.models.Model` specific to this compartment.
`infecteds (list[int])`: A list of the indices of the Infected compartments
(those with `'type'='Infected'`) in the `config` parameter of `epispot.comps.Compartment`).
## Returns
Derivative of the entire system calculated by the compartment (`list[float]`)
if infecteds is None:
infecteds = []
output = np.zeros(system.shape)
# initialize parameters
r_0 = self.r_0
gamma = self.gamma
n = self.n
# initialize time-dependent parameters
if callable(r_0):
r_0 = r_0(time)
if callable(gamma):
gamma = gamma(time)
if callable(n):
n = n(time)
# get total number of infecteds
total_infecteds = 0
for i in infecteds:
total_infecteds += system[i]
for connection in minimap:
# evaluate compartment derivative
deriv = r_0 * gamma * system[pos] * total_infecteds / n
deriv *= minimatrix[connection][0] * minimatrix[connection][1]
# ensure compartment populations are non-negative
min_connection_deriv = -system[connection]
max_pos_deriv = system[pos]
deriv = max(deriv, min_connection_deriv)
deriv = min(deriv, max_pos_deriv)
# apply derivative
output[connection] += deriv
output[pos] -= deriv
return output
class Infected(Compartment):
The Infected class is the 'I' of the 'SIR' Model.
This is the portion of individuals who are actively spreading the disease.
Like the `epispot.comps.Susceptible` class, this is also a special compartment.
## Structure
`epispot.comps.Susceptible`, `epispot.comps.Exposed` → `epispot.comps.Infected` → `epispot.comps.Recovered`, `epispot.comps.Hospitalized`, `epispot.comps.Critical`, `epispot.comps.Dead`, `epispot.comps.Removed`
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the Infected class"""
config = {
'type': 'Infected',
super().__init__('Infected', config=config)
def _check(self, minimap, compartments):
"""Check wrapper for the Infected compartment"""
self._base_check([Recovered, Hospitalized, Critical, Dead, Removed],
minimap, compartments)
class Removed(Compartment):
The 'Removed' class is a special class that acts as the combination of both the `epispot.comps.Recovered` and `epispot.comps.Dead` compartments.
This is a useful construct when the fatality and recovery rates are the same (or almost the same),
or if you want to simplify your model by decreasing the number of compartments
(like the 'R' in the classic SIR model).
This compartment is a *terminal state*, meaning that it can (only) be used as the last compartment in a model.
Any `epispot.comps.Compartment` → `epispot.comps.Removed` → `epispot.comps.Susceptible`
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the Removed class"""
def _check(self, minimap, compartments):
"""Check wrapper for the Removed compartment"""
self._base_check([Susceptible], minimap, compartments)
class Recovered(Compartment):
The 'Recovered' class represents the portion of the population that has had the infection and subsequently recovered.
In most epidemiological models and scenarios, the individuals in this class are assumed to have developed some immunity to the virus.
However, this is not always the case.
In rare occasions where resusceptibility *is* possible, connecting this class to the `epispot.comps.Susceptible` class is possible.
This class can alternatively be used as a terminal state.
## Structure
`epispot.comps.Infected`, `epispot.comps.Hospitalized`, `epispot.comps.Critical` → `epispot.comps.Recovered` → `epispot.comps.Susceptible`
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the Recovered class"""
def _check(self, minimap, compartments):
"""Check wrapper for the Recovered compartment"""
self._base_check([Susceptible], minimap, compartments)
class Exposed(Compartment):
The Exposed compartment is traditionally used as a way to simulate an incubation period for a disease.
This compartment tracks people who have come into contact with an infected person and are bound to eventually become infectious themselves,
but haven't yet developed symptoms or a way of spreading the disease to others.
These are also usually the targets of most
[contact tracing](
`epispot.comps.Susceptible` → `epispot.comps.Exposed` → `epispot.comps.Infected`
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the Exposed class"""
def _check(self, minimap, compartments):
"""Check wrapper for the Exposed compartment"""
self._base_check([Infected], minimap, compartments)
class Dead(Compartment):
The Dead class is a fully terminal state in any compartmental model.
It represents the portion of the population that have died because of *and only because of* the disease being analyzed.
## Structure
`epispot.comps.Infected`, `epispot.comps.Critical`, `epispot.comps.Hospitalized`, `epispot.comps.Recovered` → `epispot.comps.Dead`
.. note::
As is convention with compartmental models, we assume that the dead compartment does not significantly alter the population structure that we're analyzing.
In future versions of epispot, we do plan to add support for factoring in the deceased population into predictions,
but at this time that is not a primary concern.
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the Dead class"""
def _check(self, minimap, compartments):
"""Check wrapper for the Dead compartment"""
self._base_check([], minimap, compartments)
class Hospitalized(Compartment):
The Hospitalized class represents the portion of individuals currently taking up space in the available hospitals.
However, this is a distinct category from the `epispot.comps.Critical` portion of individuals,
who require more resources (e.g. ICU beds, ventilators, etc.).
This compartment also features
[triage support](
## Structure
`epispot.comps.Infected` → `epispot.comps.Hospitalized` → `epispot.comps.Critical`, `epispot.comps.Recovered`, `epispot.comps.Removed`, `epispot.comps.Dead`
def __init__(self, max_cap=None, index=None):
Initialize the Critical class:
## Parameters
`max_cap=None (|int)`: The maximum number of individuals that available hospitals can hold.
Specifying an amount will automatically trigger triage support,
requiring a value for `index`.
`index=None (|int)`: Index of the layer to use for triage.
Only specify after giving a value for `max_cap`.
## Error Handling
### `ValueError`
Failing to specify both a maximum capacity and an index when triage is enabled will raise a `ValueError`.
self.maximum_capacity = max_cap
self.triage_index = index
if ((max_cap, index) != (None, None)) \
and (max_cap is None or index is None): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('You must specify both a maximum '
'capacity and an index for triage '
def _check(self, minimap, compartments):
"""Check wrapper for the Hospitalized compartment"""
self._base_check([Critical, Recovered, Removed, Dead], minimap,
def diff(self, time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix):
Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to
## **Parameters**
`time`: Time to take the derivative at. Similar to `time`
parameter in `epispot.models.Model.diff`.
`system`: A list containing the system of compartment values.
Should be of the same shape as the `starting_state`
parameter of `epispot.models.Model.integrate`.
`pos`: The index of the compartment in the `comps` parameter of
`minimap`: This compartment's connections. Essentially, a slice
of the larger `map` parameter of
`minimatrix`: A slice of the `matrix` parameter of
`epispot.models.Model` specific to this
## **Returns**
The compartment derivative
output = np.zeros(system.shape)
for connection in minimap:
# initialize parameters
probability = minimatrix[connection][0]
rate = minimatrix[connection][1]
# initialize time-dependent parameters
if callable(probability):
probability = probability(time)
if callable(rate):
rate = rate(time)
# evaluate compartment derivative
deriv = probability * rate * system[pos]
# ensure compartment populations are non-negative
min_connection_deriv = -system[connection]
max_pos_deriv = system[pos]
deriv = max(deriv, min_connection_deriv)
deriv = min(deriv, max_pos_deriv)
output[connection] += deriv
output[pos] -= deriv
if (self.maximum_capacity is not None) and \
(system[pos] > self.maximum_capacity):
output[pos] = self.maximum_capacity - system[pos]
output[self.triage_index] = -output[pos]
return output
class Critical(Compartment):
The Critical class represents the portion of individuals currently taking up space in the available hospitals *and* using limited resources.
Thus, this is a distinct category from the `epispot.comps.Hospitalized` portion of individuals, who don't require extra resources (ICU beds, ventilators, etc.).
This compartment also features
[triage support](
## Structure
`epispot.comps.Hospitalized`, `epispot.comps.Infected` → `epispot.comps.Critical` → `epispot.comps.Recovered`, `epispot.comps.Removed`, `epispot.comps.Dead`
def __init__(self, max_cap=None, index=None):
Initialize the Critical class:
## Parameters
`max_cap=None (|int)`: The maximum number of individuals that available hospitals can hold and have limited resources for.
Specifying an amount will automatically trigger triage support,
requiring a value for `index`.
`index=None (|int)`: Index of the layer to use for triage.
Only specify after giving a value for `max_cap`.
## Error Handling
### `ValueError`
Failing to specify both a maximum capacity and an index when triage is enabled will raise a `ValueError`.
self.maximum_capacity = max_cap
self.triage_index = index
if ((max_cap, index) != (None, None)) and \
(max_cap is None or index is None): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('You must specify both a maximum '
'capacity and an index for triage '
def _check(self, minimap, compartments):
"""Check wrapper for the Hospitalized compartment"""
self._base_check([Recovered, Removed, Dead], minimap, compartments)
def diff(self, time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix):
output = np.zeros(system.shape)
for connection in minimap:
# initialize parameters
probability = minimatrix[connection][0]
rate = minimatrix[connection][1]
# initialize time-dependent parameters
if callable(probability):
probability = probability(time)
if callable(rate):
rate = rate(time)
# evaluate compartment derivative
deriv = probability * rate * system[pos]
# ensure compartment populations are non-negative
min_connection_deriv = -system[connection]
max_pos_deriv = system[pos]
deriv = max(deriv, min_connection_deriv)
deriv = min(deriv, max_pos_deriv)
output[connection] += deriv
output[pos] -= deriv
if (self.maximum_capacity is not None) and \
(system[pos] > self.maximum_capacity):
output[pos] = self.maximum_capacity - system[pos]
output[self.triage_index] = -output[pos]
return output
class Compartment (name, config=None)
This class represents a compartment, used in compartmental models. The base compartmental model that all compartments can be used for is the
class. Additionally, this class can be used withsuper().__init__()
to create a custom compartment.Initialize the compartment; invoke with:
class CustomCompartment(Compartment): def __init__(): super().__init__(name='Custom Compartment', config={})
name (str)
: Name of the compartment (used in error messages)config (dict{'type':'Susceptible'|'Infected'|None})
*: Configuration dictionary for the compartment. This allows epispot to identify special compartments. Currently, it should look like the dictionary shown in the example section.Example
dictionary:valid_types = ['Susceptible', 'Infected', None] config = { 'type': '', # should be one of `valid_types` }
Here is an example of the simplest compartment that can be implemented as a subclass:
class Container(Compartment): def __init__(self): super().__init__('Container') def _check(self, minimap, compartments): self._base_check([], minimap, compartments)
This creates a container compartment that can be used to hold portions of the population. Since it does not connect to any other compartments (indicated by the empty array
passed into theCompartment._base_check()
function), it acts as a terminal state.Error Handling
See the
function for more information.Additional Notes
dictionary is likely to change in future releases.Added in version: v3.0.0-alpha-2
Expand source code
class Compartment: """ This class represents a compartment, used in compartmental models. The base compartmental model that all compartments can be used for is the `epispot.models.Model` class. Additionally, this class can be used with `super().__init__()` to create a custom compartment. """ def __init__(self, name, config=None): """ Initialize the compartment; invoke with: ```python class CustomCompartment(Compartment): def __init__(): super().__init__(name='Custom Compartment', config={}) ``` ## Parameters `name (str)`: Name of the compartment (used in error messages) `config (dict{'type':'Susceptible'|'Infected'|None})`*: Configuration dictionary for the compartment. This allows epispot to identify special compartments. Currently, it should look like the dictionary shown in the example section. ## Example Example `config` dictionary: ```python valid_types = ['Susceptible', 'Infected', None] config = { 'type': '', # should be one of `valid_types` } ``` ## Usage Here is an example of the simplest compartment that can be implemented as a subclass: ```python class Container(Compartment): def __init__(self): super().__init__('Container') def _check(self, minimap, compartments): self._base_check([], minimap, compartments) ``` This creates a container compartment that can be used to hold portions of the population. Since it does not connect to any other compartments (indicated by the empty array `[]` passed into the `epispot.comps.Compartment._base_check()` function), it acts as a terminal state. ## Error Handling See the `epispot.comps.Compartment._base_check()` function for more information. ## Additional Notes *The `config` dictionary is likely to change in future releases. .. versionadded:: v3.0.0-alpha-2 """ if config is None: config = {} = name self.config = config self._check_config() def __repr__(self): """A string representation of the compartment.""" return f'<{} Compartment @ epispot.comps.Compartment>' def _check_config(self): """Configuration dictionary checker""" if 'type' not in self.config.keys(): self.config['type'] = None def _base_check(self, valid_compartments, minimap, compartments): """ A helper function to check model integrity. Implement this in child classes through a `_check()` function. ## Parameters `valid_compartments (list[epispot.comps.Compartment])`: A list of valid compartments that the model can connect to. If any compartments not specified in this list are found, a `ValueError` will be raised (see "Error Handling"). `minimap (list[int])`: A slice of the larger connections list given in the `map` parameter of `epispot.models.Model` specific to this compartment. `compartments (list[epispot.comps.Compartment])`: A copy of the `compartments` parameter in `epispot.models.Model`; used to check against `valid_compartments`. .. note:: These last two parameters (`minimap` and `compartments`) should also be parameters in the `_check()` function. See the usage section of `epispot.comps.Compartment` for more information. ## Error Handling ### `ValueError` If any extraneous compartments are found in the `compartments` list, this method will automatically raise a `ValueError`. ## Returns `True` if no errors have been raised. """ for compartment_no in minimap: compartment = compartments[compartment_no] valid = False for valid_compartment in valid_compartments: if isinstance(compartment, valid_compartment): valid = True if not valid: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f'Invalid compartment {compartment} ' f'found connected to compartment ' f'{}.') return True @staticmethod def diff(time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix): """ Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to time. ## Parameters `time (float)`: Time to take the derivative at. Similar to `time` parameter in `epispot.models.Model.diff`. `system (list[float])`: A list containing the system of compartment values. Should be of the same shape as the `starting_state` parameter of `epispot.models.Model.integrate`. `pos (int)`: The index of the compartment in the `comps` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimap (list[int])`: This compartment's connections. Essentially, a slice of the larger `map` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimatrix (list[tuple(float|func(t: float)->float, float|func(t: float)->float)])`: A slice of the `matrix` parameter of `epispot.models.Model` specific to this compartment. ## Returns Derivative of the entire system calculated by the compartment (`list[float]`) """ output = np.zeros(system.shape) for connection in minimap: # initialize parameters probability = minimatrix[connection][0] rate = minimatrix[connection][1] # initialize time-dependent parameters if callable(probability): probability = probability(time) if callable(rate): rate = rate(time) # evaluate compartment derivative deriv = probability * rate * system[pos] # ensure compartment populations are non-negative min_connection_deriv = -system[connection] max_pos_deriv = system[pos] deriv = max(deriv, min_connection_deriv) deriv = min(deriv, max_pos_deriv) output[connection] += deriv output[pos] -= deriv return output
Static methods
def diff(time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix)
Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to time.
time (float)
: Time to take the derivative at. Similar totime
parameter inModel.diff()
.system (list[float])
: A list containing the system of compartment values. Should be of the same shape as thestarting_state
parameter ofModel.integrate()
.pos (int)
: The index of the compartment in thecomps
parameter ofModel
.minimap (list[int])
: This compartment's connections. Essentially, a slice of the largermap
parameter ofModel
.minimatrix (list[tuple(float|func(t: float)->float, float|func(t: float)->float)])
: A slice of thematrix
parameter ofModel
specific to this compartment.Returns
Derivative of the entire system calculated by the compartment (
)Expand source code
@staticmethod def diff(time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix): """ Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to time. ## Parameters `time (float)`: Time to take the derivative at. Similar to `time` parameter in `epispot.models.Model.diff`. `system (list[float])`: A list containing the system of compartment values. Should be of the same shape as the `starting_state` parameter of `epispot.models.Model.integrate`. `pos (int)`: The index of the compartment in the `comps` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimap (list[int])`: This compartment's connections. Essentially, a slice of the larger `map` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimatrix (list[tuple(float|func(t: float)->float, float|func(t: float)->float)])`: A slice of the `matrix` parameter of `epispot.models.Model` specific to this compartment. ## Returns Derivative of the entire system calculated by the compartment (`list[float]`) """ output = np.zeros(system.shape) for connection in minimap: # initialize parameters probability = minimatrix[connection][0] rate = minimatrix[connection][1] # initialize time-dependent parameters if callable(probability): probability = probability(time) if callable(rate): rate = rate(time) # evaluate compartment derivative deriv = probability * rate * system[pos] # ensure compartment populations are non-negative min_connection_deriv = -system[connection] max_pos_deriv = system[pos] deriv = max(deriv, min_connection_deriv) deriv = min(deriv, max_pos_deriv) output[connection] += deriv output[pos] -= deriv return output
def _base_check(self, valid_compartments, minimap, compartments)
A helper function to check model integrity. Implement this in child classes through a
valid_compartments (list[Compartment])
: A list of valid compartments that the model can connect to. If any compartments not specified in this list are found, aValueError
will be raised (see "Error Handling").minimap (list[int])
: A slice of the larger connections list given in themap
parameter ofModel
specific to this compartment.compartments (list[Compartment])
: A copy of thecompartments
parameter inModel
; used to check againstvalid_compartments
These last two parameters (
) should also be parameters in the_check()
function. See the usage section ofCompartment
for more information.Error Handling
If any extraneous compartments are found in the
list, this method will automatically raise aValueError
if no errors have been raised.Expand source code
def _base_check(self, valid_compartments, minimap, compartments): """ A helper function to check model integrity. Implement this in child classes through a `_check()` function. ## Parameters `valid_compartments (list[epispot.comps.Compartment])`: A list of valid compartments that the model can connect to. If any compartments not specified in this list are found, a `ValueError` will be raised (see "Error Handling"). `minimap (list[int])`: A slice of the larger connections list given in the `map` parameter of `epispot.models.Model` specific to this compartment. `compartments (list[epispot.comps.Compartment])`: A copy of the `compartments` parameter in `epispot.models.Model`; used to check against `valid_compartments`. .. note:: These last two parameters (`minimap` and `compartments`) should also be parameters in the `_check()` function. See the usage section of `epispot.comps.Compartment` for more information. ## Error Handling ### `ValueError` If any extraneous compartments are found in the `compartments` list, this method will automatically raise a `ValueError`. ## Returns `True` if no errors have been raised. """ for compartment_no in minimap: compartment = compartments[compartment_no] valid = False for valid_compartment in valid_compartments: if isinstance(compartment, valid_compartment): valid = True if not valid: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f'Invalid compartment {compartment} ' f'found connected to compartment ' f'{}.') return True
class Critical (max_cap=None, index=None)
The Critical class represents the portion of individuals currently taking up space in the available hospitals and using limited resources. Thus, this is a distinct category from the
portion of individuals, who don't require extra resources (ICU beds, ventilators, etc.). This compartment also features triage support.Structure
Initialize the Critical class:
max_cap=None (|int)
: The maximum number of individuals that available hospitals can hold and have limited resources for. Specifying an amount will automatically trigger triage support, requiring a value forindex
.index=None (|int)
: Index of the layer to use for triage. Only specify after giving a value formax_cap
.Error Handling
Failing to specify both a maximum capacity and an index when triage is enabled will raise a
.Expand source code
class Critical(Compartment): """ The Critical class represents the portion of individuals currently taking up space in the available hospitals *and* using limited resources. Thus, this is a distinct category from the `epispot.comps.Hospitalized` portion of individuals, who don't require extra resources (ICU beds, ventilators, etc.). This compartment also features [triage support]( ## Structure `epispot.comps.Hospitalized`, `epispot.comps.Infected` → `epispot.comps.Critical` → `epispot.comps.Recovered`, `epispot.comps.Removed`, `epispot.comps.Dead` """ def __init__(self, max_cap=None, index=None): """ Initialize the Critical class: ## Parameters `max_cap=None (|int)`: The maximum number of individuals that available hospitals can hold and have limited resources for. Specifying an amount will automatically trigger triage support, requiring a value for `index`. `index=None (|int)`: Index of the layer to use for triage. Only specify after giving a value for `max_cap`. ## Error Handling ### `ValueError` Failing to specify both a maximum capacity and an index when triage is enabled will raise a `ValueError`. """ super().__init__('Critical') self.maximum_capacity = max_cap self.triage_index = index if ((max_cap, index) != (None, None)) and \ (max_cap is None or index is None): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('You must specify both a maximum ' 'capacity and an index for triage ' 'support.') def _check(self, minimap, compartments): """Check wrapper for the Hospitalized compartment""" self._base_check([Recovered, Removed, Dead], minimap, compartments) def diff(self, time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix): output = np.zeros(system.shape) for connection in minimap: # initialize parameters probability = minimatrix[connection][0] rate = minimatrix[connection][1] # initialize time-dependent parameters if callable(probability): probability = probability(time) if callable(rate): rate = rate(time) # evaluate compartment derivative deriv = probability * rate * system[pos] # ensure compartment populations are non-negative min_connection_deriv = -system[connection] max_pos_deriv = system[pos] deriv = max(deriv, min_connection_deriv) deriv = min(deriv, max_pos_deriv) output[connection] += deriv output[pos] -= deriv if (self.maximum_capacity is not None) and \ (system[pos] > self.maximum_capacity): output[pos] = self.maximum_capacity - system[pos] output[self.triage_index] = -output[pos] return output
Inherited members
class Dead
The Dead class is a fully terminal state in any compartmental model. It represents the portion of the population that have died because of and only because of the disease being analyzed.
As is convention with compartmental models, we assume that the dead compartment does not significantly alter the population structure that we're analyzing. In future versions of epispot, we do plan to add support for factoring in the deceased population into predictions, but at this time that is not a primary concern.
Initialize the Dead class
Expand source code
class Dead(Compartment): """ The Dead class is a fully terminal state in any compartmental model. It represents the portion of the population that have died because of *and only because of* the disease being analyzed. ## Structure `epispot.comps.Infected`, `epispot.comps.Critical`, `epispot.comps.Hospitalized`, `epispot.comps.Recovered` → `epispot.comps.Dead` .. note:: As is convention with compartmental models, we assume that the dead compartment does not significantly alter the population structure that we're analyzing. In future versions of epispot, we do plan to add support for factoring in the deceased population into predictions, but at this time that is not a primary concern. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the Dead class""" super().__init__('Dead') def _check(self, minimap, compartments): """Check wrapper for the Dead compartment""" self._base_check([], minimap, compartments)
Inherited members
class Exposed
The Exposed compartment is traditionally used as a way to simulate an incubation period for a disease. This compartment tracks people who have come into contact with an infected person and are bound to eventually become infectious themselves, but haven't yet developed symptoms or a way of spreading the disease to others. These are also usually the targets of most contact tracing efforts.
Initialize the Exposed class
Expand source code
class Exposed(Compartment): """ The Exposed compartment is traditionally used as a way to simulate an incubation period for a disease. This compartment tracks people who have come into contact with an infected person and are bound to eventually become infectious themselves, but haven't yet developed symptoms or a way of spreading the disease to others. These are also usually the targets of most [contact tracing]( efforts. `epispot.comps.Susceptible` → `epispot.comps.Exposed` → `epispot.comps.Infected` """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the Exposed class""" super().__init__('Exposed') def _check(self, minimap, compartments): """Check wrapper for the Exposed compartment""" self._base_check([Infected], minimap, compartments)
Inherited members
class Hospitalized (max_cap=None, index=None)
The Hospitalized class represents the portion of individuals currently taking up space in the available hospitals. However, this is a distinct category from the
portion of individuals, who require more resources (e.g. ICU beds, ventilators, etc.). This compartment also features triage support.Structure
Initialize the Critical class:
max_cap=None (|int)
: The maximum number of individuals that available hospitals can hold. Specifying an amount will automatically trigger triage support, requiring a value forindex
.index=None (|int)
: Index of the layer to use for triage. Only specify after giving a value formax_cap
.Error Handling
Failing to specify both a maximum capacity and an index when triage is enabled will raise a
.Expand source code
class Hospitalized(Compartment): """ The Hospitalized class represents the portion of individuals currently taking up space in the available hospitals. However, this is a distinct category from the `epispot.comps.Critical` portion of individuals, who require more resources (e.g. ICU beds, ventilators, etc.). This compartment also features [triage support]( ## Structure `epispot.comps.Infected` → `epispot.comps.Hospitalized` → `epispot.comps.Critical`, `epispot.comps.Recovered`, `epispot.comps.Removed`, `epispot.comps.Dead` """ def __init__(self, max_cap=None, index=None): """ Initialize the Critical class: ## Parameters `max_cap=None (|int)`: The maximum number of individuals that available hospitals can hold. Specifying an amount will automatically trigger triage support, requiring a value for `index`. `index=None (|int)`: Index of the layer to use for triage. Only specify after giving a value for `max_cap`. ## Error Handling ### `ValueError` Failing to specify both a maximum capacity and an index when triage is enabled will raise a `ValueError`. """ super().__init__('Hospitalized') self.maximum_capacity = max_cap self.triage_index = index if ((max_cap, index) != (None, None)) \ and (max_cap is None or index is None): # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('You must specify both a maximum ' 'capacity and an index for triage ' 'support.') def _check(self, minimap, compartments): """Check wrapper for the Hospitalized compartment""" self._base_check([Critical, Recovered, Removed, Dead], minimap, compartments) def diff(self, time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix): """ Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to time. ## **Parameters** `time`: Time to take the derivative at. Similar to `time` parameter in `epispot.models.Model.diff`. `system`: A list containing the system of compartment values. Should be of the same shape as the `starting_state` parameter of `epispot.models.Model.integrate`. `pos`: The index of the compartment in the `comps` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimap`: This compartment's connections. Essentially, a slice of the larger `map` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimatrix`: A slice of the `matrix` parameter of `epispot.models.Model` specific to this compartment. ## **Returns** The compartment derivative """ output = np.zeros(system.shape) for connection in minimap: # initialize parameters probability = minimatrix[connection][0] rate = minimatrix[connection][1] # initialize time-dependent parameters if callable(probability): probability = probability(time) if callable(rate): rate = rate(time) # evaluate compartment derivative deriv = probability * rate * system[pos] # ensure compartment populations are non-negative min_connection_deriv = -system[connection] max_pos_deriv = system[pos] deriv = max(deriv, min_connection_deriv) deriv = min(deriv, max_pos_deriv) output[connection] += deriv output[pos] -= deriv if (self.maximum_capacity is not None) and \ (system[pos] > self.maximum_capacity): output[pos] = self.maximum_capacity - system[pos] output[self.triage_index] = -output[pos] return output
def diff(self, time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix)
Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to time.
: Time to take the derivative at. Similar totime
parameter inModel.diff()
: A list containing the system of compartment values. Should be of the same shape as thestarting_state
parameter ofModel.integrate()
: The index of the compartment in thecomps
parameter ofModel
: This compartment's connections. Essentially, a slice of the largermap
parameter ofModel
: A slice of thematrix
parameter ofModel
specific to this compartment.Returns
The compartment derivative
Expand source code
def diff(self, time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix): """ Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to time. ## **Parameters** `time`: Time to take the derivative at. Similar to `time` parameter in `epispot.models.Model.diff`. `system`: A list containing the system of compartment values. Should be of the same shape as the `starting_state` parameter of `epispot.models.Model.integrate`. `pos`: The index of the compartment in the `comps` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimap`: This compartment's connections. Essentially, a slice of the larger `map` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimatrix`: A slice of the `matrix` parameter of `epispot.models.Model` specific to this compartment. ## **Returns** The compartment derivative """ output = np.zeros(system.shape) for connection in minimap: # initialize parameters probability = minimatrix[connection][0] rate = minimatrix[connection][1] # initialize time-dependent parameters if callable(probability): probability = probability(time) if callable(rate): rate = rate(time) # evaluate compartment derivative deriv = probability * rate * system[pos] # ensure compartment populations are non-negative min_connection_deriv = -system[connection] max_pos_deriv = system[pos] deriv = max(deriv, min_connection_deriv) deriv = min(deriv, max_pos_deriv) output[connection] += deriv output[pos] -= deriv if (self.maximum_capacity is not None) and \ (system[pos] > self.maximum_capacity): output[pos] = self.maximum_capacity - system[pos] output[self.triage_index] = -output[pos] return output
Inherited members
class Infected
The Infected class is the 'I' of the 'SIR' Model. This is the portion of individuals who are actively spreading the disease. Like the
class, this is also a special compartment.Structure
Initialize the Infected class
Expand source code
class Infected(Compartment): """ The Infected class is the 'I' of the 'SIR' Model. This is the portion of individuals who are actively spreading the disease. Like the `epispot.comps.Susceptible` class, this is also a special compartment. ## Structure `epispot.comps.Susceptible`, `epispot.comps.Exposed` → `epispot.comps.Infected` → `epispot.comps.Recovered`, `epispot.comps.Hospitalized`, `epispot.comps.Critical`, `epispot.comps.Dead`, `epispot.comps.Removed` """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the Infected class""" config = { 'type': 'Infected', } super().__init__('Infected', config=config) def _check(self, minimap, compartments): """Check wrapper for the Infected compartment""" self._base_check([Recovered, Hospitalized, Critical, Dead, Removed], minimap, compartments)
Inherited members
class Recovered
The 'Recovered' class represents the portion of the population that has had the infection and subsequently recovered. In most epidemiological models and scenarios, the individuals in this class are assumed to have developed some immunity to the virus. However, this is not always the case. In rare occasions where resusceptibility is possible, connecting this class to the
class is possible. This class can alternatively be used as a terminal state.Structure
Initialize the Recovered class
Expand source code
class Recovered(Compartment): """ The 'Recovered' class represents the portion of the population that has had the infection and subsequently recovered. In most epidemiological models and scenarios, the individuals in this class are assumed to have developed some immunity to the virus. However, this is not always the case. In rare occasions where resusceptibility *is* possible, connecting this class to the `epispot.comps.Susceptible` class is possible. This class can alternatively be used as a terminal state. ## Structure `epispot.comps.Infected`, `epispot.comps.Hospitalized`, `epispot.comps.Critical` → `epispot.comps.Recovered` → `epispot.comps.Susceptible` """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the Recovered class""" super().__init__('Recovered') def _check(self, minimap, compartments): """Check wrapper for the Recovered compartment""" self._base_check([Susceptible], minimap, compartments)
Inherited members
class Removed
The 'Removed' class is a special class that acts as the combination of both the
compartments. This is a useful construct when the fatality and recovery rates are the same (or almost the same), or if you want to simplify your model by decreasing the number of compartments (like the 'R' in the classic SIR model). This compartment is a terminal state, meaning that it can (only) be used as the last compartment in a model.Any
Initialize the Removed class
Expand source code
class Removed(Compartment): """ The 'Removed' class is a special class that acts as the combination of both the `epispot.comps.Recovered` and `epispot.comps.Dead` compartments. This is a useful construct when the fatality and recovery rates are the same (or almost the same), or if you want to simplify your model by decreasing the number of compartments (like the 'R' in the classic SIR model). This compartment is a *terminal state*, meaning that it can (only) be used as the last compartment in a model. ## Any `epispot.comps.Compartment` → `epispot.comps.Removed` → `epispot.comps.Susceptible` """ def __init__(self): """Initialize the Removed class""" super().__init__('Removed') def _check(self, minimap, compartments): """Check wrapper for the Removed compartment""" self._base_check([Susceptible], minimap, compartments)
Inherited members
class Susceptible (r_0, gamma, n)
The Susceptible class is the 'S' of the 'SIR' Model. This is the portion of individuals who have not yet been exposed to the disease. This class can be used as an initial state. Because of this property, the Susceptible class is a special compartment and does not use the default parameter matrix.
Initialize the Susceptible class:
r_0 (float|func(t: float)->float)
: The basic reproduction number, indicating how infectious a given disease is. A value of above 1 indicates a high probability of transmission and thus an increasing infected population. A value of 1 indicates a constant infected population. A value below 1 indicates a low probability of transmission and also a decreasing infected population.gamma (float|func(t: float)->float)
: The total recovery rate of patients. This is not a measure of how long it takes patients in any given compartment to recover but rather the reciprocal of the average time (in days) of infectiousness.N (float|func(t: float)->float)
: The initial population size; should be the same as that passed into theModel
class.Expand source code
class Susceptible(Compartment): """ The Susceptible class is the 'S' of the 'SIR' Model. This is the portion of individuals who have not yet been exposed to the disease. This class can be used as an initial state. Because of this property, the Susceptible class is a special compartment and does not use the default parameter matrix. ## Structure `epispot.comps.Recovered` → `epispot.comps.Susceptible` → `epispot.comps.Exposed`, `epispot.comps.Infected` """ def __init__(self, r_0, gamma, n): """ Initialize the Susceptible class: ## Parameters `r_0 (float|func(t: float)->float)`: The [basic reproduction number](, indicating how infectious a given disease is. A value of above 1 indicates a high probability of transmission and thus an increasing infected population. A value of 1 indicates a constant infected population. A value below 1 indicates a low probability of transmission and also a decreasing infected population. `gamma (float|func(t: float)->float)`: The total recovery rate of patients. This is **not** a measure of how long it takes patients in any given compartment to recover but rather the reciprocal of the average time (in days) of infectiousness. `N (float|func(t: float)->float)`: The initial population size; should be the same as that passed into the `epispot.models.Model` class. """ config = { 'type': 'Susceptible', } super().__init__('Susceptible', config=config) self.r_0 = r_0 self.gamma = gamma self.n = n def _check(self, minimap, compartments): """Check wrapper for the Infected compartment""" self._base_check([Exposed, Infected], minimap, compartments) if len(minimap) != 1: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('The Susceptible compartment must have ' 'exactly one connection to either the ' 'Infected or Exposed compartment.') def diff(self, time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix, infecteds=None): """ Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to time. ## Parameters `time (float)`: Time to take the derivative at. Similar to `time` parameter in `epispot.models.Model.diff`. `system (list[float])`: A list containing the system of compartment values. Should be of the same shape as the `starting_state` parameter of `epispot.models.Model.integrate`. `pos (int)`: The index of the compartment in the `comps` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimap (list[int])`: This compartment's connections. Essentially, a slice of the larger `map` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimatrix (list[tuple(float|func(t: float)->float, float|func(t: float)->float)])`: A slice of the `matrix` parameter of `epispot.models.Model` specific to this compartment. `infecteds (list[int])`: A list of the indices of the Infected compartments (those with `'type'='Infected'`) in the `config` parameter of `epispot.comps.Compartment`). ## Returns Derivative of the entire system calculated by the compartment (`list[float]`) """ if infecteds is None: infecteds = [] output = np.zeros(system.shape) # initialize parameters r_0 = self.r_0 gamma = self.gamma n = self.n # initialize time-dependent parameters if callable(r_0): r_0 = r_0(time) if callable(gamma): gamma = gamma(time) if callable(n): n = n(time) # get total number of infecteds total_infecteds = 0 for i in infecteds: total_infecteds += system[i] for connection in minimap: # evaluate compartment derivative deriv = r_0 * gamma * system[pos] * total_infecteds / n deriv *= minimatrix[connection][0] * minimatrix[connection][1] # ensure compartment populations are non-negative min_connection_deriv = -system[connection] max_pos_deriv = system[pos] deriv = max(deriv, min_connection_deriv) deriv = min(deriv, max_pos_deriv) # apply derivative output[connection] += deriv output[pos] -= deriv return output
def diff(self, time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix, infecteds=None)
Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to time.
time (float)
: Time to take the derivative at. Similar totime
parameter inModel.diff()
.system (list[float])
: A list containing the system of compartment values. Should be of the same shape as thestarting_state
parameter ofModel.integrate()
.pos (int)
: The index of the compartment in thecomps
parameter ofModel
.minimap (list[int])
: This compartment's connections. Essentially, a slice of the largermap
parameter ofModel
.minimatrix (list[tuple(float|func(t: float)->float, float|func(t: float)->float)])
: A slice of thematrix
parameter ofModel
specific to this compartment.infecteds (list[int])
: A list of the indices of the Infected compartments (those with'type'='Infected'
) in theconfig
parameter ofCompartment
Derivative of the entire system calculated by the compartment (
)Expand source code
def diff(self, time, system, pos, minimap, minimatrix, infecteds=None): """ Calculate the derivative of the compartment with respect to time. ## Parameters `time (float)`: Time to take the derivative at. Similar to `time` parameter in `epispot.models.Model.diff`. `system (list[float])`: A list containing the system of compartment values. Should be of the same shape as the `starting_state` parameter of `epispot.models.Model.integrate`. `pos (int)`: The index of the compartment in the `comps` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimap (list[int])`: This compartment's connections. Essentially, a slice of the larger `map` parameter of `epispot.models.Model`. `minimatrix (list[tuple(float|func(t: float)->float, float|func(t: float)->float)])`: A slice of the `matrix` parameter of `epispot.models.Model` specific to this compartment. `infecteds (list[int])`: A list of the indices of the Infected compartments (those with `'type'='Infected'`) in the `config` parameter of `epispot.comps.Compartment`). ## Returns Derivative of the entire system calculated by the compartment (`list[float]`) """ if infecteds is None: infecteds = [] output = np.zeros(system.shape) # initialize parameters r_0 = self.r_0 gamma = self.gamma n = self.n # initialize time-dependent parameters if callable(r_0): r_0 = r_0(time) if callable(gamma): gamma = gamma(time) if callable(n): n = n(time) # get total number of infecteds total_infecteds = 0 for i in infecteds: total_infecteds += system[i] for connection in minimap: # evaluate compartment derivative deriv = r_0 * gamma * system[pos] * total_infecteds / n deriv *= minimatrix[connection][0] * minimatrix[connection][1] # ensure compartment populations are non-negative min_connection_deriv = -system[connection] max_pos_deriv = system[pos] deriv = max(deriv, min_connection_deriv) deriv = min(deriv, max_pos_deriv) # apply derivative output[connection] += deriv output[pos] -= deriv return output
Inherited members